Milica Zorić


Milica Zoric is a certified yoga instructor with license and permit to operate issued by the Yoga Federation of Serbia, the national branch association. She deals with yoga over twenty years. As a yoga instructor she has been working since 2006, after completing her schooling at the International Yoga Academy, led by professor dr Predrag Nikić, international master of yoga.

Through personal experience of recognizing value and benefits of yoga, she felt it as a call to be yoga instructor and to pass over all that knowledge to all who recognize need of transformation, personal development and improvement to increase quality of their life. Yoga carries on a timeless message that every person possesses-inexhaustible intellectual, emotional and creative potential.

For many years, Milica Zoric has been leading the program “Corporate Yoga” in Serbia. She built successful cooperation with companies and public institutions where she lead program “Yoga for employees”, Extracting “Hyundai- Belgrade”, IT company “Microelectronics -Belgrade” and the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra.

Working with members of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra she has received confirmation of the significance of the art of yoga which enabled her to perceive the needs of people who work under pressure and stress. The result is a specially designed program “yoga music”, which helps to preserve the health and vitality of the artist, as well as developing the professional dimensions striving to perfectionism and career improvement.

Milica Zoric is the founder and president of the club “Yoga Art Balance”. At the International Yoga Academy, she teaches practical and theoretical instruction. From 2002 she has been improving herself, attending professional seminars and continuing education in framework of Yoga Federation of Serbia. She has got additional education and certification for yoga “Similiris” Art style yoga programs, “Yoga in corporations”, “Yoga for Athletes”, “Yoga for Children”. She was a lecturer and organizer of a seminar “Yoga in psycho-physical preparation of pregnant women” in February 2015. As a lecturer she participated in the project of Yoga Federation of Serbia- “Women in Action” program, whose beneficiaries were women victims of violence. She is a fashion show coordinator and choreographer of the composition of Yoga Federation of Serbia.

Milica Zoric is an active member in the work of Yoga Federation of Serbia and promotion of yoga as a healthy lifestyle through communication with the media and PR coordinator of the many manifestations of Yoga Federation of Serbia. She points out the role of main coordinator of the fourth International Festival of Yoga, which was held in Belgrade in 2013 as well as first yoga Similiris Art Festival held in 2015 in Belgrade.